project by evachromosom

build the city around yourself

The web application

The application features a real-time engine creating a layered landscape: it immerses the viewer in 360 panoramic views of the city. Users may choose up to three cities that will be shown within each other: a multiple horizonscape. In a similar way to google's "street view", {} builds an image sphere around the viewpoint, where the photographic image orbit can be navigated and altered from within.

Each city's photographic view comes with a corresponding audio file. When multiple cities are selected not only the visual footage is shown, but also their related audio files - adding up to layered soundscape.

The photographic imagery is based on colleagues’ snapshots captured when venturing for the yet unseen: glimpses of space-time, evidence of an eye’s view. These given viewpoints and their construct of space were assembled and a synthetic reality was created from them, resulting in cityscapes depicting cities from around the globe.

According to the ethics of bottom-up decision-making and grassroots cultural engagement this is an open source project. The source code is available on request for further development and adaptation. This enables users to appropriate the public space of {} for their own needs and ideas. The ownership of public space is given to those who use it.

{} is published under the conditions of a GNU public license - a licensing form that enables people to further develop the code on the basis of this piece of work, which at the same time is protected from proprietary usage.

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